“Every adult needs to view this movie. By showing what the disabilities look like, the horror becomes real enough to make you take action.”
Read Dr. Coates' full review on his website Strong for Parenting
“3.5 out of 4 stars. Highly recommended.”
“This extremely well-done video intersperses considerable scientific and legal data about the effects on those with the disorder and very moving vignettes of four teens and their foster families who have stuck with them through very stressful and demanding situations. The love and courage of these adults is awe inspiring...Dr. Ira J. Chasnoff spells things out, as do all the other commentators, in ways that, while scientific, are easy for the target audience to understand. This is an excellent film for training, awareness, and initiating discussion, and it should be seriously considered by all health, school, and public libraries. It has the potential to reach kids and change their behavior.”
“This thorough and thoughtful introduction reveals the impact this disorder has on young lives.”
““Moment to Moment” presents an excellent and balanced overview of the challenges faced in adolescents and young adults with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders. I enjoyed the mixture of family experiences with the science to explain why these behaviors occur. A fine addition to my library on FASD. ”
“As an adoptive parent of a 17 year old who is diagnosed with FASD, I found myself overcome with emotion as I watched the three families share their stories of everyday life with their adopted teens with FASD. I could identify with them completely. Their real life stories of what they experience on a daily basis was emotionally riveting, heartbreaking and hopeful. Their fortitude to preserve and forge ahead despite the obstacles was encouraging. Their fears are my same fears; their hopes for their kids are my hopes for my son. This film impacted me and I would recommend this film for everyone who has a child/children with FASD.
As a social worker, I wish everyone who works with children could see this film! What a difference it would make if school teachers, administrators, social workers, therapists, psychologists, child welfare workers and court personnel understand the brain damage that occurs when a mothers drink during pregnancy. FASD is one of the most misunderstood diagnoses.”
“This is a beautiful film on every level. It is riveting, which is amazing for a film that sets out to educate about a depressing topic like FASD. It is inspirational. It should be hugely helpful to those who are trying, and those who need to try harder, to help youth dealing with FASD. It is beautifully filmed and produced. And it “stars” truly extraordinary real-life families and professionals dealing with FASD.
It provides a deep understanding of how FASD affects the brain and thus the behavior of children with FASD. It does this with clarity, in depth, and with compelling slides demonstrating exactly how alcohol affects the brain during fetal development. And it does this through showing the lived lives of youth affected by FASD and their parents.”
“The legal consequences presented provided powerful insight into role special education needs to play in regards to providing supports to students identified with FASD...Tthe explanations and examples utilized to explain the role executive function plays provided me with information that is key in creating a road map of success for these students. ”
“Moment to Moment is simply excellent. Moment to Moment demonstrates the complexity of prenatal alcohol effects on the developing adolescent. Watching affected youth and hearing their families’ stories shows the adversity they face. The clinicians’ descriptions helps the viewer understand how and why these young people struggle as they do.
While clearly depicting the unique disability of prenatal alcohol effects on the adolescent brain, Moment to Moment depicts loving families with the hard work of caring for their affected teens and preparing them for adult independence. It presents a message of hope, but reminds us of the need for compassionate and life-long care for all youth with special needs.
Moment to Moment contains essential information regarding people with FADSs for physicians, educators, law enforcement and court personnel, mental health professionals and child protection workers. This presentation of loving families, affected youth facing the challenges of adolescent development and accurate clinical information aid our understanding of this important and prevalent condition. ”
“Dr. Chasnoff and his colleagues shine a bright light on the silent epidemic of prenatal exposure to alcohol in “Moment to Moment.” This film would be an excellent resource for educators, foster parents, adoptive parents, employers, social workers, law enforcement, and professionals in the judicial system. This true to life video following teens living with FASD provides a clear, understandable description of the spectrum of acquired brain damage from prenatal exposure to alcohol and how that damage impacts individuals with FASD and those around them. ”
“This film is so powerful! Through its persuasive case studies and Dr. Chasnoff’s easily understood instruction on the physiology of the disorder, it documents in a poignant way, the permanent and horrific consequences of alcohol consumption during pregnancy known collectively as FASD. The film is structured in a way that shows how one affected child effects all of us; from taxpayers to educators, law enforcement and court personnel, social service workers, medical and therapeutic professionals—all of us.
It is also a frightening film. Frightening because as the case studies show, the permanent, disabling consequences of FASD are so little understood by the general public, and frightening because drinking remains so socially acceptable.
The film ought to be required viewing in every high school and middle school. It ought to be included in every educational curriculum across the spectrum, from elementary to secondary schools; law schools; judicial training centers; social services and law enforcement.
As a tribal court judge who routinely observes the devastation substance abuse wreaks in children and families, it is so important that I know about FASD, its causes and its effects so that children and adults can be treated in ways that encompass compassion with understanding. This film goes a long way in helping me to do that. Thank you for sharing.
“The film’s strengths are in its clarity and its compassionate delivery of the information presented…I do recommend it for all of: families, foster (even potential foster) parents, and a range of professionals, law students and law professors, judges, attorneys, police, counselors, special educators, adopting parents and especially for women in any kind of treatment or recovery program.
“Moment to Moment: Teens Growing Up With FASDs…should be utilized in trainings of child welfare workers, teachers and other educators, faith communities, as well as law enforcement and the judiciary. The reality is, every one of us would benefit from watching this film to learn more about people affected with FASD, to be more sensitive to their needs and unique issues.”
“A well developed and sensitively produced documentary on the lifelong impact of prenatal alcohol exposure; clearly presenting the neuroscience and resulting behavior related to a broad group of syndromes commonly grouped as fetal alcohol spectrum disorder.”