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Guided Growth: Behavioral and Educational Interventions for Children Affected by Prenatal Substance Exposure


Guided Growth: Behavioral and Educational Interventions for Children Affected by Prenatal Substance Exposure

Children prenatally exposed to alcohol and drugs face increasing neurodevelopmental challenges as they grow and develop. These challenges translate into behavioral and learning difficulties in the classroom and in the home.  This session will provide a conceptual framework for understanding these difficulties from a regulatory perspective and discuss how this framework can be applied to the development of behavioral and educational interventions in the classroom.

Learning objectives

At the completion of this session, the participant will be able to:

  1. Analyze the impact of prenatal substance exposure on the long-term development of the child and implications for behavior management.

  2. Discuss behavior from a regulatory perspective and how this translates into difficulties across three domains of behavior and learning.

  3. Describe an overall strategy for developing interventions that support appropriate behavior and promote learning in children affected by prenatal substance exposure.

September 29

Recognizing the Justice-Involved Adult at Risk from Prenatal Substance Exposure

May 27

The Neurobiology of Attachment in Women (Pregnant and Parenting) and their Infants with a History of Prenatal Substance Use: Implications for the Child Welfare System